Toontown offline v1
Toontown offline v1

toontown offline v1

We’ve managed to push out ten new updates to the game that contain everything from new features, tweaks, and a plethora of bug fixes. It’s been our priority to make sure that with this new release of the game, any large issues that popped up got dealt with as soon as possible.

toontown offline v1

Now with the majority of larger bugs out of the way, we plan to slow down with what were previously daily updates. In the future, you can still expect to see various new patches to the game- although on an irregular schedule. So what’s next for Toontown Offline? If you’ve read several of our prior blog posts, you may have heard a little something called Operation: Seek Out Scrooge.

#Toontown offline v1 update

However, we feel it’s been a while since we’ve had a moment to talk about what this future update actually involves. So whether you’ve kept up to date with us for years, or if you’re brand new to Toontown Offline, be sure to read ahead and be caught up to speed on our next large update. Operation: Seek Out Scrooge, or SOS for short, is the title of a large update we’ve been working on for the past few years. Our intentions with SOS are to provide Toontown with new end-game challenges that wrap up the storyline as a whole. As seen in our Prologue episode, Toontown’s story began with Scrooge McDuck activating The Chairman, beginning the invasion of the Cogs. With SOS, our aim is to resolve the conflict originally begun in The Prologue. The SOS update will feature a brand new end-game taskline that takes place immediately after obtaining your last Bossbot Suit Part from Flippy. (As a matter of fact, you can already begin the first task of the new taskline in the live game! However, you are not able to turn in the toontask at this time- that will have to wait until SOS releases.) This new taskline will involve the Toons making their way across several new Cog areas on a mission to find Scrooge McDuck and The Chairman. At its culmination, this new taskline will finish off the Toontown story- it will be the end of the game. ”End of the game, you say? MMO’s typically don’t have an ending!” We feel that Toontown Offline in particular is in the sweet spot necessary to create an update like this one. Due to the sandbox nature of our game, we don’t have many players who dedicate time to their Toons. The typical player uses Magic Words to max out their Toon’s stats, and that’s the end of it. Our game isn’t a typical server or MMO where the progress you make matters- we just want to have fun without concerning ourselves with the grind Toontown has to offer. That being said, we believe that an “end” to the game will fit well for us.

toontown offline v1

Unlike the Cog Headquarters updates Disney released, the new Cog areas and toontasks we plan to release in SOS will not be grindy. They will serve as one-time areas you visit to complete your toontasks, and that’s it.

toontown offline v1

”If Toontown Offline is sandbox-orientated, won’t the new content be boring?” Well yes, but actually no. Our game is indeed a sandbox, and we don’t plan to change that. However, with the new content that SOS brings, we intend for it to be played legitimately. Not only that, but we recommend this new content be played legitimately. If not done so, it may seriously dampen the first-time experience as you play through it. Upon release, we will have new settings and Magic Words that will allow players to create pseudo-maxed Toons to play the new content with. These features will allow you to give you Toon average stats for a high laff Toon, while not maxing them out altogether.

Toontown offline v1